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What is webmarketing? Definition, Jobs, Companies & Tips

Webmarketing strategy, digital marketing, webmarketing consulting, the term has been used a lot for some time. But what is it really about? What does this rather vague notion of webmarketing encompass? Far from the early days of web sites, companies are now taking more offensive and intelligent approaches to face a tough competition.

But what is webmarketing?

The definition of web marketing is quite simple. It consists in giving visibility to a brand on the web, which translates into increased traffic, contacts / leads and sales. It integrates the traditional marketing strategy of a company, because the presence on the Internet of a company has become totally inevitable. Web marketing aims at increasing the qualified traffic of a site. That is to say, it is necessary to succeed in attracting prospects who will potentially become new customers or fervent ambassadors of a brand. Wikipedia gives us additional information on the definition of the word.

How to do web-marketing?

It is about using different digital tools to make your brand accessible on the web, but also more attractive than your competitors. A good webmarketing strategy is based on :

  • The design of a well structured, ergonomic and informative website
  • The regular addition of quality web pages or texts to make the website more dynamic
  • The interaction with the target audience (newsletter, comments left by users, possibility to share a page on social networks)
  • The use of numerous marketing levers/channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (SEA), community management, emailing, social ads, influencer marketing or display marketing to name only the most profitable.

The marketing strategy works as much inbound as outbound. Indeed, it is no longer enough to make people come to a web page, but that the exchanges are done in both directions and trigger commercial and marketing messages. By using webmarketing, the company seeks to build a broad base of prospects, to offer a positive image impacting, but also to retain its customers.

marketing et webmarketing

A dynamic digital marketing

Web marketing is not limited to one-sided marketing. It integrates a real exchange with the public who becomes an actor in the commercial process. By relaying one of the publications, sharing a funny photo or telling friends about the brand, the prospect becomes an ambassador for the company. This is how the web marketing or influencer marketing profession developed. Companies have changed advertising techniques by encouraging influencers to talk about their products or services through video or article publications.

To interest by providing relevant information

Let’s forget the old web marketing techniques that used filler to produce content detected by Googlebots (robots that analyze content for Google). With the exponential development of websites, search engines have become very demanding and SEO imposes precise constraints to appear in the first results of search engine pages. This is where the problem lies!

A person who launches a search on the Internet will only consult the first three or four sites proposed. It is therefore necessary to be part of those and then succeed in keeping the prospect’s attention. The content proposed by the site must therefore be informative and offer real added value to the search. Writing articles that are well constructed, documented and meet the selection criteria of search engines is a real asset.

Position yourself as an expert in your field

The company that engages in a web marketing strategy must establish itself as an expert in its field. The content must be selected to provide accurate and precise information. It is also necessary to think about varying the supports by creating infographics, by introducing games or by broadcasting visual content. All the published content must be easily shareable on the different social networks. The actions of the web marketing strategy must all reach the goal of making the company visible by sending the right message to the right audience.

The steps of webmarketing

For beginners in web marketing, it is possible to summarize this digital strategy in three main steps:

  • Attractiveness: prospects must visit the company’s website. For this, it is essential to target the audience the company wants to reach and to produce quality content that arouses their curiosity.
  • Conversion: At this stage, the web marketing strategy invites the prospect to act. It can be a form, a contact or an evaluation. With the conversion rate, we evaluate the interest of the public for the proposed content. You should also pay attention to the bounce rate. If it is too high, it may indicate that the content lacks interest or that it is unclear. The web marketing strategy must then be reworked.
  • Distribution: by satisfying a prospect or a customer, the company attracts the goodwill of this user. It is then judicious to set up systems of rewards, sponsorship or to evaluate the satisfaction of the users.

Some ideas for a good web marketing strategy?

Web marketing campaigns are as diverse as the number of companies that implement them. The important thing is to personalize them as much as possible so that they are really effective. The rates of a webmarketing campaign are very varied and are adapted according to the requests. But here are some tips to boost the digital marketing strategy:

  • Choose the social networks that will be the most appropriate for the company: we select them according to the audience we want to reach, but also according to the media we want to use.
  • Create a blog that will be regularly updated: the more the blog will contain rich content, well documented and pleasant to read, the more it will be a vector of qualified traffic. The company publishes articles that show its values and commitments. It’s the ideal medium to showcase a craftsman making a product or a team working on the design of a new project. It is necessary to make the prospect enter the universe of the company and initiate an authentic and durable relationship.
  • Create advertising campaigns on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex or Baidu.
  • Launch a personalized emailing campaign: customers like to receive an email specially designed for them with a promotional offer concerning an interesting product. There are emailing software to automate the campaigns.
  • Remarketing or retargeting strategies are also key. You can set up these campaigns via various channels such as search engines, social networks, emails or even SMS.
  • Check the e-reputation and be reactive: customer satisfaction is the main challenge. It is therefore necessary to listen to unhappy customers and reduce the impact of a company’s dysfunctions. Indeed, a dissatisfied customer is much more impactful than a happy one.
  • Another track is also the training in webmarketing to become an expert in webmarketing, you can acquire skills at the CCI for example, or with agencies that are training organization.

A webmarketing strategy has become essential to remain successful in a digital world where competition is ruthless! Call on quality webmarketing providers or the first webmarketing agency in France 🙂

à propos de l'auteur.e : Swann Le Moigne

One thought on “What is webmarketing? Definition, Jobs, Companies & Tips

  1. Merci beaucoup pour cet article sur le webmarketing. Nous avons aussi réalisé un éditorial sur le webmarketing en 2020 (cf. Optimum Circle).

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